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Worry is an inevitable part of life. We all become concerned for different reasons or in regard to various violence. It’s only natural that we have concerns about work, about children, about livelihoods, or about relationships. Worry is a defense mechanism created by our mind to protect us from possible scenarios that may arise. Our brain starts writing scenarios like “what if” and makes us think the worst so as not to get caught off guard by any possible situation.

There is a healthy and natural side to worry, but there is also what we call anxiety disorder, which takes us to the unhealthy side of worry. Anxiety disorder is related to both the way you think and to you brain chemistry, that is, hormones. In the case of excessive anxiety, the body’s defense mechanism is activated, sober and alert. Breathing exercises, walking and drinking water can be effective in order to secrete calm hormones in the body. In particular, the fact that the exhaled time is longer than the time taken (such as 7 sec. – 11 sec. ) will activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help to calm the anxious state. 

We must not completely ignore our concerns. However, it is more as if we are calming a crying child, we must show them that they are being heard. Listening or paying attention to our concerns will calm our them. We must not however, allow it to affect our decisions.  We must be careful to base decisions on hope, not fear. 

God knew we’d have a lot of worries in the world. That’s why he gave us so many messages through the authors of the Bible. Looking at the Word of God is the most effective way to calm the concerns caused by the world. Anxiety often arises from a desire for control situations that may seem to be out of control. We can find strength based on the fact that God is always in control and does things for our good.

“Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares you.” 1st Peter 5:7

“When the worries engulf me, your comforts will please me.” Psalms 94:19

“Be still, know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10

If you want to hear more about soothing worry or anxiety, you can listen to our podcasts on this topic.