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We all have various stress factors in our lives. Some of these can be common, some may be personal. As a result, learning to deal with stress has become a natural need for all of us. Trying to keep up with a pace of life that is accelerating day by day, balancing work with family, housework, the needs of households are areas where we consume a lot of time and energy. On top of that, when news of war, political conflicts, economic crisis comes, it is inevitable to get stressed. 

There are many different ways to deal with stress, and the ways that everyone finds useful can be different. Experts say stress can cause many physical disturbances. That’s why we need to explore ways to reduce stress factors as much as possible before they have physical consequences, or to maintain control if there’s no way to reduce them.

The primary step in dealing with stress may be to determine which area is causing the most stress in our lives. If the area that causes the most stress is work-related, maybe we can try to keep work-related issues at work. Often our profession does not allow this, however if we constantly give our active attention to work it can become harmful.  For this reason we  should take regular breaks, or train our thoughts to not think about issues during the hours between work. 

If the stress causing issues are related to  household chores, the needs of the household, maybe we can try to share the excess burden of responsibility with family members. If it’s about family relationships or other relationships in general, we are more likely to find a solution as we will focus more on what is causing the stress and not only on a symptom that we are experiencing stress.  If economic crisis, politics, war news etc. are the issues that cause us the most stress, we can try to reduce the use of media so we have only a healthy level of consumption of information. The most effective of all is to bring our stresses before God, no matter what the subject is, rather than stressing. Even in very stressful situations, praying can be the key that turns our focus from problem to solution, from anxiety to calm.  
If you need guidance on
stress control, you can listen to our podcasts on this topic.