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Money has had tremendous importance and power in the world since it was invented, and it can be a very good tool. However, when it is seen as an end and not a means, a problem of balance arises in our lives. 

As with many other subjects, there are wrong labels about money in our subconscious. Some of us, having come from a family or from an environment of want, may see money as evil and thus keep us from trying to gain it. On the other hand, we may see money as the most valuable phenomenon in life and that too causes many problems. In the midst of these two misconceptions, it is possible to have a balanced and healthy perspective about money. For example, we can see money as a means to meet our needs, to benefit those around is in needs, or as a means to add abundance to other people’s lives. 

The Bible warns many times about keeping a proper perspective. God wants us to know what kind of influence money really has over our lives. The Bible gives instructions on how to use money wisely and also how excessive love of money can lead to problems in our lives. Hebrews chapter 13, verse 5 says, “May your life be free from the love of money. Be content with what you have.” Job warns in chapter 36, verse 18, “Be careful, that money will not seduce you.”

The Bible also shows us that as we give to others, God will also provide for us with abundantly. Of course, when helping others, our focus should not be what we get in return. All kinds of donations and aid should be given from pure motives. God, who sees the intention of our hearts much better than we do, will be generous to us as a result of our generosity. In Luke chapter 6, verse 28, Jesus says, “Give and it will be given to you. Thoroughly pressed, shaken and overflowed, it will be emptied into your lap with a full scale. Whatever scale you give, you will get it with the same scale.”  This applies not only to money, but also to our behavior. 

The desire to attain material wealth is a natural impulse that we all have. Selfishness is part of human our nature. God is well aware of this, thus brings it to our attention.  He also does not make excuses for those are selfish. Therefore, we must remember how selfishness can harm us. If our biggest goal is to reach money, our character will deteriorate and we will start to go out of line. Nurturing selfish passions breeds much more selfishness and therefore we miss out on the abundant give that the Lord gives.  The more we chase money, the harder it is to reach it, and much worse, the more we move away from pleasing God, which should be our main purpose in life. In Luke chapter 16, verse 13, Jesus says, “No servant can serve two masters. Either he hates one and loves the other, or he becomes attached to one and despises the other.  You cannot serve both God and money.”

If you are curious about our suggestions about using money wisely and changing our approach toward it to a healthier direction, you can listen to our podcasts.