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We all have sad and reluctant times, and those feelings are part of life. However, constant sadness, increased reluctance, exhaustion, lack of motivation and even the meaninglessness of life are symptoms of depression. 

Although depression is not taken seriously enough, it is actually a mental disorder that requires treatment. Depression, bipolar disorder and suicidal tendencies are more common in people with a family history of them. There can be more than one cause of depression. In some people it occurs periodically, while in others it occurs and passes due to a certain situation. Persistent depression can lead to decline in performance, a reluctant attitude towards everything, and even suicidal thoughts if not taken seriously.

It is necessary not to dismiss it as “just a little sadness, it will get better”, but to get help. If the depressed person is reluctant to seek help, they may need to be encouraged. If you or someone around you is showing signs of depression, maybe knowing that there are many remedies can give you hope. With psychotherapy, counseling, feel-good activities and, of course, the power of God, our grief can be replaced with joy, you can rise from your ashes and be completely free from the authority that depression has over you.

If you want to know more about depression, you can listen to our podcasts on this topic.